Attest. Licensure verification module

Where titles meet trust

If your mission requires more than a name tag specifying the professional qualifications and licensure of your team members, you need Safer Attest.  Originally designed to help hospitals, public health agencies, and volunteer organizations like the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) meet U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ESAR-VHP standards, Safer Attest provides you with the primary source verification tools to address privileging and reciprocity issues in real time. 
Safer Attest comes preconfigured and supports access to several national and Federal validation sources including:

Self-reporting and optional validation tools include:

Used with the fully integrated Safer Foundations - Training module Safer Attest not only validates an individual’s professional licensure but tracks the fulfillment of professional development requirements such as:

Safer Attest can be configured to accept data from any 3rd party training resources utilized by our clients.  Integration charges may apply.  Examples of how this integration has been successfully utilized can be found in the data exchange between Safer Attest, the State of Rhode Island’s Emergency System for the Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals, RI MRC, and Rhode Island Disaster Medical Assistance Team (RI DMAT).  The RI Responds Program and the NH Responds Program both utilize Safer Institute's Tool for Resource Exchange (T-Rex) combined with Safer Attest to manage the credentialing, identification, notification, activation, deployment and tracking of volunteer health professionals.  Both programs receive regular feeds from state licensure databases for real-time verification purposes.

Our entire package permits multiple teams to work on the same system while separating and securing the data for complete privacy.  It allows users to view and update their own information, sign up for training, and sign up for event based deployments.  The system can currently create over 50 reports with the easy addition of any individual requests. 


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